Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Two Concerts in Two Days

Saturday night we went to a concert at the Roaring Brook Nature Center in Canton, CT.  It's in the middle of nowhere, and the capacity must be less than a hundred.  But Kate Campbell seems to like doing small concerts, so we had an opportunity to see her.  Wonderful concert; she did a segment of it on piano, so she could feature songs from her new album 1,000 Pound Machine.

And on Sunday we were back at the Iron Horse to see Four Toads in a Basket.  Another excellent concert!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Farm Stand

We went out to get pansies on Saturday

and discovered that native asparagus is in.

We also discovered an easy way to grow greenhouse vegetables.  In the first shot, pepper plants are just starting, and you can see that they're planted in hundreds of bags of potting soil.

And, apparently, they won't be transplanted; these tomato plants are nearly full sized already.

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Actually we left two weeks ago, but I decided it was time to admit we're back in reality and to stop posting the same Paris pics arranged in different ways.  Actually, in case anyone hasn't already reached their limit, I've posted the full Paris collection -- 573 of them -- as a set on Flickr.  Click here to get there.

Here are a few quick airport (Charles de Gaul) photos.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Paris Signs

Just a few signs we saw on our walks through Paris.

The offerings at a sorbet stand; biologique means organic, by the way.
 And the cheat sheet so anyone can order.

I did the math on this one.  These are Euros/liter.  In $/gal, regular is $8.55, and premium is $9.00.

Angstrom wants a Montblanc pen; he didn't get it.

If you look closely, you can see Jesse's and Aurora's reflections in the glass.

Pompier is fireman; I don't have a good translation for Sapeur,
 but it's clearly firemen behind the second door.

Grafitti near the Pompidou Center.

This was in Notre Dame; the translation is roughly:
                   Resurrection of the lord.
                   Today, lord God, by your only son's death, you opened the doors of eternity to us."

In contrast to that, Notre Dame also has coin operated medalion machines around the sanctuary.


Here's a small sampling of the bistros, restaurants, cafes, bars, and pubs of Paris.  If I'd tried to shoot them all, we wouldn't have had time to see anything else in the city.

Not the name of the bistro, one of its specialty dishes:  veal head in English.  No, I didn't try it.

This one's for you, Mary Beth.

This place was on the ground floor of the building next to the one with our apartment.  No apartment pictures, since the building was hidden by scaffolding and plastic sheeting, while the exterior was being restored.