Andthefinalstatistics:5274miles(the trip counter wraps at 999.9). On board computer claims 32.0 mpg. Calculation says 31.8. Garmin claims 5228 miles (it wasn't on all the time), with a moving average of 58.5 mph and a max of 91.6.
On August 25, Jim woke up with vertigo. After a brief visit to a clinic in Kearney, he got a shot in the rear for nausea, a prescription for Antivert for the dizziness, and went back to bed.
Just so we could say we visited another state and also to avoid interstates, we headed back to Kearney via Kansas. We decided that Kansas corn, Colorado corn, Nebraska corn, Iowa corn, and even Wyoming corn all looked about the same.
Mr. Toad got to admire himself for a while in construction traffic.
The main activity for Sunday was a Colorado Rockies game, but someone forgot to put a memory card in his camera, so there are no pictures. The temperature during the game was in the mid-90's, and we were in the sun. The only shade was from the right field foul pole that was between us and the mound. Other than the heat, it was a good game; the Rockies won 4-2.
For dinner, we went to the oldest restaurant in Denver, probably a tourist trap, but one with very good food (Jim had buffalo and elk, both delicious).
WehadlastvisitedPike'sPeakonourhoneymoonin June of 1969, so it was a must see for this trip. Also, the original 1962 Mini climbed it then, so Mr. Toad wanted to have the same experience. It didn't disappoint; we were all (Jo came with us) thoroughly impressed with the scenery and the lack of oxygen.
Afterthetripdown,westoppedinManitouSpringsforaquicklunch;can'trememberallthechoices,butJimhadbuffalopotroast,anditwasdelicious,as were the beers.
Jo had to work Friday morning, so we met for lunch at a little vegetarian place (the beer and wine were vegetarian, too).
ThenwewenttotheDenverArtMuseum. This is supposedly the Native American equivalent to Picasso's Guernica.
Afterthemuseum,wecheckedoutacoupleColoradowineries. The first was Bonacquisti Winery, and the second was Verso Cellars, which makes only Cabernet Sauvignon wine. We sampled (and purchased) their 2003, 2004, and 2005 and wished that Mr. Toad had more storage space.
And we also got something for Mr. Toad.
Fordinner,wewenttoAssignments,therestaurantrunbystudents oftheCulinarySchool of the Denver Art Institute. The view from the dining room was the kitchen. Steak Diane, for the next table.