As we drove along the Oregon Trail (now I80) we passed Lake McConaughy and stopped to admire the beauty of the area.

We drove on to Chimney Rock, a landmark for the pioneers on the Oregon Trail. One sign we read said that they could see it from 40 miles out, a two day journey away! We couldn't see it from that far, but it is visible from a ways off and is very impressive.
Next, Jim and Mr. Toad wanted to visit Carhenge, a re-creation of Stonehenge made from old cars, but CL was less than enthusiastic.

Custer State Park was always one of my favorite spots. I have not been there since 1983. Prior to '83, however, I had visited at least 10 times from 1947, when I was 10, until 1975, when I was 38. Looking at your pictures makes me long for another visit. Sometime.